Eleven Minutes Novel Review Title : Eleven Minutes By: Paulo Coelho Year : 2003 Synopsis Eleven Minutes is a novel that tells about the life journey of a young woman from Brazil named Maria who dreams of one day finding her true love, a handsome prince who will pick her up like a princess from a fairy tale. But fate actually said otherwise, as time went by, instead of finding her true love, Maria fell into the world of prostitution. In living his life as a prostitute he thinks that sex is always a matter of pleasure and lust, but this changes after he meets a famous painter named Ralf Hart, who says that he has a unique light and introduces him to the 'meaning of sex' purer than what he had known so far. Falling in love with the painter, Maria is struck by a dilemma between love and reality. Review In contrast to most of the novels written by Paulo Coelho which mostly tell about the romance of life and dreams, the novel Eleven Minutes actually tells about things that are consid...