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Devil and Miss Prym by Paulo Coelho Review

Review of the novel Devil and Miss Prym by Paulo Coelho

Title : Devil and miss Prym

Author : Paulo Coelho

Year : 2000


What will you do when you find out that evil has entered with great temptation into your life? Can you resist the temptation? Devil and Miss Prym is a novel that tells the story of how Chattal Prym, a young girl from the village tries to fight the evil that affects her and resist the temptations that are in front of her eyes.

Once upon a time there was a stranger who came to a remote village called Viscot, the village is known as the village where hunters spend their time when the hunting season arrives and travelers spend their vacations in that paradise on earth, but the stranger does not come at this time. hunting season or holiday season and it comes with a temptation and evil intent. No one knew all that except an old woman saw him come and stay at the hotel, she told herself that what her husband had said all along was true, and only she knew the temptations and evil intentions that came with the stranger. But it didn't take long until the stranger met Chattal Prym by accident and revealed all his plans, the stranger showed Chattal Prym eleven gold bars, and said the gold could belong to the villagers, only if Chattal Prym would tell the villagers to do it. murder, or Chattal Prym could take a gold bar he'd been hiding separately and never reveal the plot at all.


This novel is the third part of a trilogy of novels by Paulo Coelho, his first novel being By the River of Piedra I Sat Down and Wept, followed by Veronica's Decide to Die. If the first novel tells about love, the second novel tells about life, then in this third novel the author tries to present how we face the temptation of power, in this case described in the form of treasure. As in his other novels, in this novel Paulo Coelho divides his novel into several small parts, he also does not provide a title or number for each part, this makes it easier for readers to follow the story than reading a novel that is divided into chapters only, because to know the contents of the story we usually have to read the entire contents of the chapter. 

In addition to the character Chattal Prym as the main character, this novel also focuses on telling the story of a stranger, his name is Charlos, although that is not his real name and he admits that it is a fake name as well as all the information about his identity that he put in the hotel guest book. The character of Charlos is told as an adult man with a mysterious background, but over time he finally reveals himself about his background, he admits that he used to work as an employee at a firearms company, and one day he received a terror call that ended in the death of his family. , after that he sinks into his grief and has the belief that basically everyone has a sense of evil. It becomes clear why he wants to be said to have brought great evil, and in fact what he did to Chattal Prym and the residents of Viscot was an attempt to justify his idealism that all people have a sense of evil by nature.

 This becomes interesting, considering that there are many similar incidents that occur in the real world, how past events not only affect and in many cases shape a person's identity and self-confidence, as well as in every action he takes. Also not a bit of literature that tells how a villain in a story is actually a victim of another story that may not have been told, or happened before the story happened. Here the author tries to remind people of the reality that occurs in the world by providing examples in the form of stories of how an incident in the past or past trauma can have a major impact on future actions, and how we deal with it.

 In addition, another character that catches attention is the old woman who first saw the arrival of a foreigner to Viscot, namely the old Berta. Actually not much different from what happened with Carlos or the stranger, old Berta also experienced past trauma. It is said that she is one of the oldest residents in Viscot and she has lived there for many years, she used to live with her husband, until one day there was an accident, her husband who was working as a guide for the hunters was accidentally shot and killed by one of the hunters. hunter. Then he spent the rest of his life sitting in front of his house on a bench and staring at Viscot all day.

 As said before regarding trauma and past events that affect a person, this also has a big impact on Berta's life. She spent her time just sitting looking at Viscot all day and believing that her husband's spirit was always beside her when she sat there. The only thing that differs between Berta and Carlos is that Carlos is aware that he has the power to rise up and go on a quest, searching for the justification of his idealism of how humans naturally have evil in him, whereas Berta has no power at all, so only can sit and be trapped in her past, because she always believes that her husband is still in the world and always by her side, even after he dies.

This novel is highly recommended for those who like stories full of mystery and surprises, as well as for those who like modern stories with problems that are not too far from what is happening around the reader's life. 


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